Hydration is a very important consideration even at this time of year. People are typically more dehydrated in the winter than in the summer. We don't usually associate colder weather with dehydration because the body does not get as hot in the colder months and the body's thirst response is diminished. In order for the body to conserve heat at its core, our blood vessels constrict and prevent blood from freely flowing to the extremities. The body is fooled into thinking that it is properly hydrated because we do not feel thirsty and therefore, we are less likely to drink water voluntarily. But hydration is critical - and here is why... What does water do for my body? Water is a nutrient essential to life. It is the primary component of all bodily fluids - blood, lymph, digestive juices, urine, tears, and sweat - and is involved in almost every bodily function. Water makes up 60% of our total body weight and is second in importance only to air for sustaining life. It is impossible to sustain life for more than a week without it. Should I drink only when thirsty? Thirst is not fully reliable. Thirst is a signal that your body is already on its way to dehydration. It is important to drink more than thirst demands and continue to drink throughout the day .
Dehydration Without enough water, we literally dry ourselves out. Dehydration is linked to chronic health problems like arthritis, diabetes, colitis, high blood pressure, kidney stones, and multiple sclerosis. Dehydration symptoms
How much water do we really need? Water requirements vary greatly from person to person and depend on the climate in which we live, our activity level, and our diet. Water goals Divide your body weight (in pounds) by 2. Aim to drink that many ounces of water daily. If you weigh 160 pounds/2 = 80 = ounces of water needed daily. Add 8 ounces for every half-hour of exercise.
American Council on Exercise. (ACE). (2008). Fit facts: Healthy hydration. Retrieved from: http://bit.ly/1jScu31 Family Doctor. (2011). Hydration: Why it’s so important. Retrieved from: http://bit.ly/1i12PLi Haas, E. (2005). Staying healthy with nutrition. Berkeley, CA: Celestial Arts. Healthy Living for Life. (2011). Water education. Retrieved from: http://bit.ly/1lDcd5f
7/25/2018 06:50:53 am
We all know how important drinking water is to our body. It's important for us to keep ourselves always hydrated because it keeps us away from possible health problems we could acquire. Please always remember that it's okay to make an effort in drinking water than to suffer the consequence of it later on. Thank you for this article by the way! Whatever the season may be, you need to keep yourself hydrated because that's the right thing to do for your body.
1/24/2021 10:34:37 am
In winters it is important to remain dehydrated because the deficiency of water may lead to several problems. The gluteal syndrome is very less in people, in these germs develop in your body so you can cure it by using sanitizers available on papernow.org site. They are very portable and easy to carry. If you are away from home then this is easy to wash and leans the germs from your hands.
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