Many types of fungi live in and on the human body, including some called Candida. At normal levels, Candida is not an issue. However, when it begins to grow uncontrollably, it can lead to certain common symptoms including gas, bloating, cramps, chronic sinus infections, nail and toe fungus and joint pain. Evan Brand, a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, is hosting the Candida Summit from July 9-15th. "Candida is never just a single issue, but rather a result of dysfunction that can occur in the various body systems, such as your adrenals, gut and detox pathways. This can lead to autoimmunity of various kinds". Click on the link below to access the summit. Remember that each day of speakers (about 5 speakers per day) is only available for 24 hours, so if you see a lecture that "speaks" to you, be sure to listen.
Do you or someone you love suffer from any of the following autoimmune diseases?
I have some very important information to share with you regarding autoimmune disease. Dr. Tom O’Bryan, author of The Autoimmune Fix, is replaying his Betrayal Documentary Series. He will discuss ways to kick chronic autoimmune disease into remission. Everyone can improve their health by improving their diet. Nutrition is fundamental because food IS medicine. When you get to the ROOT cause of the disease, you can reverse autoimmunity. Dr. Amy Myers, author of The Thyroid Connection, believes this whole-heartedly. She says, “No matter how old you are, no matter what your medical history, no matter how lousy you feel right now…no matter what your doctor tells you, no matter what your family and friends tell you, YOU CAN FEEL BETTER”. This documentary series will empower you to change your habits and improve your health. This is the link to the YouTube series. Hope you enjoy this as much as I have! |
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All of the information on this website is Copyright © 2017 and may not be downloaded, reproduced, republished or otherwise copied without express written permission of