Cooking with Kristin

Healthy Cooking & Nutrition Education
Cooking with Kristin is not just about cooking in the traditional sense. The slang for the word cooking implies “to perform, work, or do in just the right way with energy and enthusiasm.” This is what Kristin hopes to portray throughout the website - her energy and enthusiasm about health and nutrition. She is excited to share her knowledge with you.
Cooking with Kristin was founded by Kristin Osowski to create awareness. Kristin does not believe in dieting and calorie counting. Her approach is to help people make healthful food and lifestyle choices that are sustainable.
Kristin encourages and supports people on their journey to better health by providing the necessary tools that will make a significant difference in their health and the health of their loved ones.
Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food."
-Hippocrates, Greek physician
-Hippocrates, Greek physician
The information on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease.
All of the information on this website is Copyright © 2017 and may not be downloaded, reproduced, republished or otherwise copied without express written permission of
All of the information on this website is Copyright © 2017 and may not be downloaded, reproduced, republished or otherwise copied without express written permission of