I personally love garlic, so I use 4 cloves of garlic in my hummus. No one is getting sick at this house! This hummus is not thick like commercial hummus. It is thinner - and tastier. Serves 6 Source: Judy Esper
Health highlights:
Garbanzo beans: a good source of protein, fiber, folic acid, manganese, and molybdenum as well as iron, magnesium, copper, and zinc. Fiber can help lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels, making them a great food for diabetics. Garlic: good source of vitamin B6, manganese, selenium, and vitamin C. Provides protection against heart disease - decreasing cholesterol levels and lowering blood pressure. Also used to fight infections (and ward off vampires - ha!). Lemons: excellent source of vitamin C, B6, potassium, flavonoids, and the phytochemical limonene. It is a known detoxifier for the liver and for kidney stones. I use lemon in my water daily. If I do not have fresh lemons on hand, I simply add one drop of Lemon essential oil to my water...tasty and good for the body. Prep time: 10 minutes Cook time: 35 minutes Serves: 9 Source: doTerra Recipes Black bean brownies are a delicious and nutritious twist to a traditional chocolate brownie. You might be nervous about baking with black beans, but don't be -they have a very mild flavor and are extremely rich, creamy, and full of protein. I used Peppermint essential oil in this recipe. These brownies tasted like Girl Scout Thin Mint cookies - without the crunch. Tip: When cooking with essential oils, start small. Add one drop and then more if necessary to keep the oil from overpowering the recipe. I thought 4 drops of Peppermint was perfect, but you can play around with it. You can also boost the flavor of these brownies with other essential oils such as Wild Orange, Cinnamon, or Lavender. If you are interested in learning more about essential oils, click "contact us" under my picture on my doterra essential oil website page.
Preparation: 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. 2. Place all ingredients, except for chocolate chips, in blender or food processor and blend until smooth. 3. Pour batter into large bowl and stir in ½ cup chocolate chips. 4. Pour into greased 8x8 inch pan and top with ¼ cup chocolate chips. 5. Bake 30-35 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean. Health highlights: Black beans: high in fiber, folate, protein, antioxidants - and vitamins and minerals. Its high fiber helps lower blood glucose levels and can therefore benefit diabetics. Coconut oil: a healthy, saturated fat and a proven anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal agent. The fats in coconut oil are medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs), which are quickly digested, quickly burned as energy, and not stored as fat on your hips (a concern for most women). MCFAs are easily absorbed by cells, thereby increasing metabolism. Coconut oil also contains lauric acid, a powerful anti-inflammatory, that enhances brain function and the immune system. Raw Honey: a natural anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and antioxidant (the darker the better in terms of antioxidants). Raw honey contains 27 minerals, 22 amino acids, and 5,000 live enzymes. It helps fight disease, boost the digestive system, and eliminate allergies. (Buyer beware...this is not the refined honey that you find at your local supermarket in the cute teddy bear plastic bottle. The refining of honey takes away the benefits listed above). Chocolate: contains flavonoids, which act as antioxidants. Flavonoids are also good for the heart- may help lower blood pressure and cholesterol. In addition, it acts as an anti-depressant because it contains serotonin and it stimulates endorphin production, which gives a feeling of pleasure. Who doesn't feel better after eating dark chocolate?
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